Angel City Culture Quest

The Spaces In Between: Artist Leah Shane Dixon

Episode Summary

Today we are talking to artist Leah Shane Dixon about art and the spaces in between.

Episode Notes

Leah Shane Dixon, The Spaces In Between

Shane Dixon is an artist in multiple media, whose diverse body of work explores fusion of oppositional polarities, transcendental themes, abstract symbolism, and humankind's unique role within the natural world.  

A graduate of Pratt Institute and the Los Angeles County High School for the Arts, Shane draws from their bi-coastal life experience, informed by the rich tapestry of artistic, historic, cultural, literary, musical and filmic trends of both Los Angeles and New York City. 

A second generation computer geek, Shane fuses digital and video-based art making with the foundation art practices of drawing, painting, installation, and photography. In addition, Shane has curated many group art shows and other curatorial projects in Long Beach and Los Angeles.

Shane's recent exhibitions include:

Shane works in: acrylic painting, digital & abstract painting, video installation and projection art, plastic assemblage, visual music, art curation, music tutoring. And they explore: tessellations and color theory 

Shane has created digital works almost entirely for 18 years but recently they have been fusing digital and paint into a single object. 

Shane uses  the pronouns They/He